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- What Is B12 Deficiency?
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Posts by category
- Category: Children
- My Presentation for the B12 Institute Rotterdam.
- Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live…
- A mother’s message
- Your serum B12 is NORMAL – no action required.
- Incontinence in women, men & children
- There are many faces of Vitamin B12 deficiency……….
- The Ignorance of Vitamin B12 Deficiency in Children
- Imagine being sectioned for a vitamin B12 deficiency…….
- Category: Community
- Category: courses
- Category: COVID
- Category: Education
- What if?
- GP writes about the current B12 obsession …
- 70th Anniversary of the NHS. North Wales RCN fly the flag for B12 deficiency once more
- The North Wales Branch of The Royal College of Nursing leads the way!
- B12 the Antidote – joining up the dots
- 2016 Conference 17th and 18th June – Education for all, B12, methylation and thyroid.
- B12 and Thyroid conference 2015 – an enormous success, incredible feedback and a game changer!
- “There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out.” Russian Proverb.
- B12 & Thyroid Conference – Wilful blindness, apathy or a case of short arms, deep pockets?
- B12 Awareness in 2015
- Happy New Year from
- ‘Sally Pacholok’ – A film based on the true story of an ER nurse who takes on the medical establishment when she uncovers an epidemic of misdiagnosis.
- Category: Good news
- Category: Guest post
- Category: Guidelines
- First NICE Guidance for B12 deficiency in over 16’s
- Weight loss injection with serious side effects available OTC…
- Vitamin B12 OTC update and NICE Consultation
- Eight long years…
- Gloucestershire treatment algorithm is harmful and at odds with NICE
- Make your comment count if your B12 injections are being stopped!
- Pernicious anaemia (PA) or B12 deficiency – which is worse?
- Are your vital B12 injections being stopped? FREE help options here….
- A serum B12 level can’t tell you how a patient is feeling, only the patient can, but why is no one listening?
- ‘The tank’s empty but I can smell petrol so you have 90 days more driving ahead of you’ …..
- UK B12 deficient patients, paltry 3 monthly maintenance dose of B12 injections is based on cash not care!
- Many B12 deficient patients would prefer ‘a dogs life’ when it comes to treatment
- Go away and die quietly, we’re busy
- When a doctor cannot see the wood for the trees – disaster is inevitable
- The ‘Not so NICE’ NICE Guidelines
- Category: Male B12 deficiency
- Category: Mental health
- Severe mental impairment, are you getting the financial help you’re entitled to?
- Can you spare a minute for Matthew?
- A year to the day – looking out for the elderly……
- Dying to breathe
- When you can’t remember where you live, or who loves you…..
- The pernicious ignorance of B12 deficiency in patients with poor mental health.
- Category: Misconceptions
- Have you been told to shut up about B12 deficiency?
- B12 deficiency, the fantasy & the reality
- When rich charities deliberately back the wrong horse, something fishy must be going on….
- B12 deficiency can strike at any age, it is not confined to women over 60
- Understanding what it feels like to be B12 and folate deficient
- Dumb and dumber with NHS money to burn.
- ‘Please don’t trust me – I am a doctor with a fundamental lack of knowledge of B12 deficiency, sadly my ignorance will harm you!’
- Please stop treating vitamin B12 deficiency as the poor relation to pernicious anaemia, this discrimination can seriously harm patients!
- Dear Doctor, have you been giving vitamin B12 deficiency another name?
- Challenging our Doctors.
- Letter from a ‘specialist’…
- Category: Misdiagnosis
- Category: Petition
- A decade of campaigning for B12 injections OTC
- B12 OTC Petition – The MHRA still dragging their heels and passing the buck…
- Christine begged for vitamin B12 injections…
- One last big push. YOUR help is essential…
- Westminster Hall Debate for the B12 OTC petition tomorrow!
- MHRA Double standards on vitamin B12 injections
- Petition update – Your help is needed for the next stage!
- Fingers crossed…
- B12 Awareness Day 2020 In the House of Commons
- #ProtectTheNHS #SaveLives and #MakeB12OTC
- I met Jane Ellison MP in Parliament last week…..
- Dennis Skinner MP for Bolsover has signed the B12 OTC petition!! Will your MP do the same?
- An obvious history of neglect – please help us to buy injectible B12 OTC, many doctors cannot or will not help us!
- Category: Practical help
- Category: Raising awareness
- Category: Serum B12 test
- Wherever we are in the world, we are all in the same boat…
- A tale of two nurses – threat and resolution
- A bizarre and wasteful practice – Is your doctor following this crowd?
- If you have CFS or M.E. you may be enraged if your B12 levels haven’t been tested ….
- East Lancashire NHS Trust – you win the trophy hands down, for dangerously low, lower reference level for serum B12 test, 110 – 914ng/L!
- Category: Signs and symptoms
- Category: Treatment
- Category: Uncategorised
- Category: Uncategorized
- Category: Understanding
- Category: Veganism