B12 deficiency affects men too…

Aug 17, 2020 | Male B12 deficiency | 1 comment

Men are notoriously resistant to visiting a doctor and this can make their diagnosis and treatment of B12 deficiency much more difficult, especially since it is generally seen as a condition that affects women.

Many non specific symptoms of B12 deficiency, if looked at in isolation, might seem like nothing to be overly concerned with. They could be attributed to age, lifestyle, being a parent or stressful circumstances and many people try to rationalise why they feel a certain way……  ‘it’s work, everybody feels a bit down, irritable, apathetic or tired sometimes’.  But, what if these symptoms are ever present and you carry on sweeping your feelings ‘under the carpet’ when you could be helped?

You have 10 minutes

Some doctors insist we only talk about ‘one problem’ during an appointment of 10 minutes, so before we even start we may feel hurried and stressed. This also makes it really difficult for both parties to get a grip on the whole picture.

Imagine you have erectile dysfunction and impotence and mention this to your doctor but without your other symptoms, for example tinnitus, blurred vision and breathlessness, it might be that a little blue pill is prescribed when what might be needed to correct this for you, is B12 injections.

We can’t see what a complete jigsaw will look like with only one piece and no box lid to look at, so why is it understood that by some miracle the correct diagnosis and treatment will be given if we are only able to talk about one aspect of what we might be experiencing?

It’s essential that you don’t suffer in silence. 

If you haven’t had B12 deficiency ruled out yet, then please see the symptoms here (the poster features just a handful) and list any that you are experiencing.

Check if any of these causes strike a chord and note these too, you may have a family history of B12 deficiency or you could be taking a drug which interferes with absorption of B12.

Make an appointment with your doctor, make sure you have someone with you for support, they may remember things you have missed. Don’t be shy, the fuller and clearer the picture, the better the chance of the right help.

Timely, correct treatment of B12 deficiency can reverse symptoms and give you your life back!

Sharing information

If you know someone with symptoms of B12 deficiency who has not explored this as a cause, then please share this blog with them.

I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please comment below.

Very best wishes

Tracey x

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1 Comment

  1. Michelle Cheatley

    Very valuable information. I claim this on behalf of my brother, he has the exemption under the Mental Health Capacity Act 2005.


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