Petition update – Your help is needed for the next stage!

Nov 17, 2020 | Petition | 6 comments

Petition response

We’ve had a response to our petition from the Department of Health and unfortunately they have reported what we already know about the regulations for a POM (Prescription only medicine).

They state that we can’t have injectable B12 made available from pharmacies in the UK because of the Human Medicines Regulation 62 section 3.

Westminster Hall Debate

This doesn’t mean we give up. This means we keep on going and thankfully My MP, Jane Hunt is committed to helping and will be making an application for a debate on our petition in Westminster Hall. The focus of this will be that the MHRA allow B12 injections to be given as a boost via hair salons and clinics. More on this in the next blog.

Your MP can help

We need your MP to speak for you, alongside Jane when this happens.

Please ask your MP to come on board, to make a speech on your behalf and get in touch with Jane so that they can work together on this.

Find your MP here:

So if you feel strongly about being in control of your own health …

If you have had B12 injections stopped due to COVID…

If you are restricted to 3 monthly injections but need them more frequently…

If you feel you have no choice but to buy B12 from abroad because you can’t access what you need from your GP then please help to make this happen…

Here’s how you can help

I’ve added a draft email for you to use and adapt below so that you can easily send a message to ask your MP to help. It would be lovely to hear of their interest in this, so if possible please let me know by commenting on the blog.

Thank you so much for being part of this, I feel sure that if we keep working together we can make this important change happen.

Together I’m sure we can make this happen.

Kindness always

Tracey Witty

Draft email 


Please can I ask for your support in making injectable vitamin B12 available OTC from pharmacies.

Following a reading of this petition at the House of Commons on the 23rd of September 2020 the Department of Health responded: They state that we can’t have injectable B12 made available from pharmacies in the UK because of the Human Medicines Regulation 62 section 3.

Jane Hunt MP is making an application for a Westminster Hall Debate on this petition and she needs your help.

This issue is really important to me because………………………….

Please contact Jane Hunt MP ( [email protected] ) and get involved on my behalf.

Yours faithfully

If you can’t copy the above please find a copy of the text here



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  1. Margaret Sweeney-donnelly

    Thank you Tracey for the valued update. I will most certainly continue to support this.

    Many Beauticians are now providing the service of B12 injections, and B12 infusions my local salon does. Though I have no idea if they need to issue a prescription prior to initiating the injections, or indeed are qualified but maybe a route to investigate

    • Tracey Witty

      Margaret, yes I agree, this will be the focus of Jane’s speech! Thank you for your support, best wishes Tracey

  2. Paul Weston

    Thanks, Tracey, for the update on the petition. Although probably expected it is still annoying. Following your MP taking the petition to the House of Commons I contacted my local MP to raise the issue with her. Although she appeared keen to look into the subject and told me that she would make contact with Jane Hunt (who she knows), after more than 6 weeks I have been unable to get an update as to whether she has actually done this. I shall now point her to your blog update and ask her to work with Jane to move this forward. I was only diagnosed with B12 deficiency in May and am fortunate that my GP has allowed me to self-inject on a monthly basis but understand that not all GPs are the same which is why I am trying to support your cause. If I can help in any way please let me know.

    • Tracey Witty

      Dear Paul

      Thank you for your kindness and support, I do hope that your MP will be among those specking with her if this application is granted. I am so glad you have a supportive GP!

      Best wishes

  3. Joy Stockton

    I was just about to send an email to my MP, but as I live in Scotland and health is a devolved issue I assume it will not be appropriate for my MP to consider.

    • Tracey Witty

      Joy it will be appropriate for your MP to consider as this Regulation as I understand it covers the UK.


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