‘Please don’t trust me – I am a doctor with a fundamental lack of knowledge of B12 deficiency, sadly my ignorance will harm you!’

‘Please don’t trust me – I am a doctor with a fundamental lack of knowledge of B12 deficiency, sadly my ignorance will harm you!’

Unfortunately the letter below is typical of those sent out to B12 deficient patients, full of incorrect information. This shockingly ignorant doctor, who has spent a fair old time at medical school still hasn’t grasped the basics. He states that ‘The blood tests that...
Please stop treating vitamin B12 deficiency as the poor relation to pernicious anaemia, this discrimination can seriously harm patients!

Please stop treating vitamin B12 deficiency as the poor relation to pernicious anaemia, this discrimination can seriously harm patients!

Autoimmune pernicious anaemia (PA) is just one of many causes but it’s clear that many doctors consider it to be the only serious cause of B12 deficiency and therefore the only one worth treating with B12 injections. This is due to lack of education on this...
An obvious history of neglect – please help us to buy injectible B12 OTC, many doctors cannot or will not help us!

An obvious history of neglect – please help us to buy injectible B12 OTC, many doctors cannot or will not help us!

‘Somataform autonomic dysfunction in the form of neurosis’ or longstanding B12 deficiency? Below you will see this patient’s medical history is clearly affected by B12 deficiency and yet over 30 years on, still NO ONE will listen and treat her accordingly. You...