Weight loss injection with serious side effects available OTC…

Weight loss injection with serious side effects available OTC…

What you read here may shock you… as you know, we have been trying to access safe and effective B12 injections OTC from pharmacies for nearly a decade and yet… A pricy self injectable drug called Saxenda can be bought from your chemist without the...
My Presentation for the B12 Institute Rotterdam.

My Presentation for the B12 Institute Rotterdam.

I couldn’t be at Clara Plattel’s B12 institute’s fantastic June Conference in Rotterdam, but was so  happy to be able to present this film as part of the Patient’s perspective. You will see short clips of four lovely people who agreed to share...
Vitamin B12 OTC update and NICE Consultation

Vitamin B12 OTC update and NICE Consultation

NICE Draft Guidance First of all I want to share with you the NICE Consultation document for over 16’s. Here is the Summary of the consultation and guidance on comments and at this link you will find the comments form. Please take the time to read through this...