Unfortunately many people who finally find they are B12 deficient have been on a long and winding path having barked up countless trees, potentially, gathering misdiagnoses along the way. Many find their diagnosis themselves, having been nudged toward vitamin B12...
Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live…
The title of this blog is a quote from Jim Rohn, but as we know there are often barriers to his wise statement. Obviously there is far more to taking care of our bodies than making sure we have enough B12 and this blog could be a mile long. You'll be pleased to know...
The New B12 info forum
Welcome, our new B12 info forum opens today! It's been a while in developing, but If you want an alternative place to talk and to meet others in your situation then please come and join us! You may have noticed our web address will change from...
Severe mental impairment, are you getting the financial help you’re entitled to?
Many of us have been deeply affected by COVID and the resulting restrictions, the effects on mental health, physical health and finances have been devastating for too many people. So I hope that in some small way this post helps those who have not applied for what...
B12 Deficiency – The Inside Story
On the 1st of May 2019 I was interviewed by Steven Bruce of the Academy of Physical Medicine for a live 90 minute broadcast including questions from Academy members.
Steven described this as one of the most important and informative live broadcasts we have done, giving a wealth of information not covered in medical training, and exposing the shortcomings of the conventional response.
Thanks to all who supported the B12 Pop Up Café!
Who doesn't love a cuppa and a chat? Years ago Sally Pacholok made B12 Awareness Day the 23rd of September and we marked the occasion in Leicestershire with a B12 Pop Up Café. Getting together and sharing experiences makes such a difference to peoples lives. It is...
Are your vital B12 injections being stopped? FREE help options here….
If your treatment is being restricted or stopped altogether, hopefully there will be some help options for you here. The Letters.... There are letters being sent out to patients, some of whom have received B12 treatment for donkey's years, which announce that they...
A helpful Christmas tip for B12 deficient patients?
Some of you may know that this blog, the website www.www.b12deficiency.info Facebook and Twitter pages are run by me, Tracey Witty. Others write to the 'B12deficiency.info team' incorrectly thinking that the website is a huge concern with a team of...
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