Do your family and friends say, ‘doctor knows best’ when it comes to B12 deficiency?

Aug 23, 2023 | courses, Education, Practical help | 0 comments

Unfortunately many people who finally find they are B12 deficient have been on a long and winding path having barked up countless trees, potentially, gathering misdiagnoses along the way.

Many find their diagnosis themselves, having been nudged toward vitamin B12 deficiency by something they have heard or seen through the grapevine vine, rather than being diagnosed by any of the doctors or consultants they have seen, sometimes over decades.

The trouble is that people often have to work outside of the medical profession due to the lack of help, treatment and understanding they receive. Many find challenging their GP on their own a struggle and even though they may know far more about their condition than their doctor, they may not yet be adept at stating this effectively without someone by their side.

They may then feel they have to strike out alone in dealing with their deficiency and, as is often the case, panic arises in their loved ones. They worry that the person they love is going to come to some harm if they don’t adhere to a GP’s restrictive regime. Too many people end up at the mercy of GP’s who know very little and hold incorrect beliefs about B12 deficiency, the symptoms it causes and how it should be treated.

Too many people have consultations with me without the knowledge of their partners because they have been warned not to find ‘help on the internet’ by both them and their doctors. I always heave a sigh of relief when I know the person I am working with is fully supported by their family and friends. B12 deficiency can make your world a lonely one before treatment starts and in the early stages of balancing the cofactors, so having the support you need, is absolutely key to making this ride a happy and safe one.

Unfortunately many of us know that our GP’s receive barely any education in nutrition and maybe only what can be held in a teaspoon on vitamin B12 deficiency. This means it’s essential for some to strike out alone and find help from random women like me, on the internet.

My regular Finding Your Way Courses confirm that these sessions are really helping partners and family to understand the predicament we’re in. That doctors, in this situation, very often, do not know best. Attendees who sit in on the Zoom sessions with their family member or friend, understand not only what their loved one is experiencing – but that others have similar stories of neglect, dismissal and gaslighting from the medical profession. This creates a powerful healing shift.

The courses are fact filled, friendly and informal and allow plenty of time for questions. Best of all it gives confirmation to the worried that there is a world of information out there for those let down by the ones who should know better, if only they’d do a little more research.

Finding Your Way courses are for small groups and are run regularly. The start times vary so that wherever you are in the world you can join in. Please share the information with anyone you think it may help.

If you happen to know of an open minded health care professional who is frustrated by the lack of education they received then please share the In DepthTraining course information with them.

Thank you






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