B12 Awareness Day 2020 In the House of Commons

Sep 23, 2020 | Petition | 53 comments

I am delighted to announce that MP Jane Hunt will present a petition to the House of Commons today, Wednesday the 23rd of September 2020, which asks for injectable vitamin B12 to be made available over the counter from pharmacies.

Please note this is my New Government Petition and NOT the Change.org petition.

If your MP also has an interest in this issue, please ask them to come on board and help us to get this passed.

Jane is scheduled to present the petition titled “Removing classification of prescription only medicine from injectable vitamin B12,” at the end of the day just before the adjournment debate, usually around 7pm. There is no precise time yet but you will be able to watch it live on Parliament TV or on BBC Parliament.

The full petition text will be also posted on  and the Government will need to respond to it. Too many people are restricted to just four vitamin B12 injections per year which is not enough to heal damaged nerves.

All we can do now is sit and wait for a positive outcome which would bring us into line with many other countries who do allow injectable B12 to be purchased over the counter. This has the potential to make treatment of vitamin B12 deficiency free from stress and anxiety for millions of UK citizens, affording us the same level of dignity and control over our own health as a diabetic injecting insulin.

Huge thanks to everyone who has supported this movement and to MP Jane Hunt and her team for making this possible and for for caring about people with B12 deficiency.

I have everything crossed and I’m you sure you do too.

Kindness always

Tracey x

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  1. Sue murray

    I suffer terribly after6/7 weeks and have PA but not allowed my injection any sooner than every 12 weeks
    Good luck today

  2. A Andrews

    I so hope this happens. Topping up privately at moment as NHS wont do injections frequently which costs a fortune!

    • Michelle Pugh

      You can always buy your own from Europe (most UK people with B12D buy from Germany) – it isn’t illegal, it’s considerably cheaper and has a massive impact on your health – by improving it!

  3. margaretsweeneydonnelly

    Thank you Tracey for your committed and valuable work on this. Hopefully we will see the right outcome, far too many people are suffering as a result of incorrect management of treating patients with B12 deficiency.

  4. Michelle Clements

    Good luck so many of us need it sooner than 12 weeks.

    • Neil McMillan

      To the Moderator –

      I suffer from PA and have the same problems as many other commenters on this site. I found the only way round the problem was to buy from abroad, at least in the meantime, hence my post. I am not trying to advertise on behalf of a supplier, just trying to help.

  5. fiona405f

    Brilliant news Tracy – hopefully it will pass. Thank you for all your hard work.

  6. Angela Eccles

    Thankyou Tracey for all your efforts. The dogma around b12 injections is not logical and is certainly not based on solid scientific evidence. People are suffering and often end up with unnecessary permenant damage simply because their b12 injections are not frequent enough. Being able to access B12 vials over the counter could really change this.

  7. Judith kneebone

    I have pernicious anaemia and doctors stopped my injections,this has to be resolved from levels above go,s as they haven’t got a clue about it, it is called pernicious,which means fatal, without proper regular treatment we are all at serious risk of severe health problems.

  8. Michelle Cheatley

    Fantastic news Tracey, this is the only way forward for patients, the choice & freedom to play an active role in their own health & well being. This small cost to the individual patient via the pharmacist will be very welcomed by thousands that struggle on a daily basis. Thank you for everything you do & all you stand for where patients are concerned.

  9. Angela Mckillop

    Keeping everything crossed for this
    Too many lives are at stake for this to be continually ignored

  10. Amanda Seater

    Good luck today – WAY too many people are suffering and far too many doctors are spouting false information, such as ” there is no such thing as B12 deficiency are you questioning my degree”

  11. Christine west

    30 years on 12 weekly jabs not enough , I have drooping eyelid and the start of incontinence please help us x

  12. Patricia Gaffney

    I agree we need it more than 4 a year I missed 2 of mine as we went into lockdown
    I felt terrible my body did not feel good and my hair has been thinning terrible
    Does this have an effect on my hair folicals

    • Amy

      Yes it can affect hair folicals and hair growth and people can lose hair through not being treated. I still managed to get my injections at the surgery during lockdown. I was worried I wouldnt as I desperately need them i believe a month b4 they are due. I hope u don’t miss anymore as it can be dangerous and cause perminant nerve damage.

  13. Deb French

    Good luck. Having lost my father & grandmother from PA I’m desperate for this illness to be understood & for this harmless vitamin to be a none prescription item. It’s not a drug

  14. June

    Thank you so much Tracy for getting this far. Really appreciate your hard work.

  15. Jackie Heald

    I really hope that common sense prevails and the House of Commons supports this. It will bring us in line with most modern countries throughout the world but more importantly it will make available a vital treatment for sufferers of this debilitating condition, reduce suffering and save the NHS funds and eliminate the post code lottery of treatment.

  16. Natalie Atkin

    I really hope this gets through parliament, too many of us are suffering for something that only costs around 56p & improve our lives so much. Thank you Tracey

  17. Jessica Jolly

    I have been very lucky. I was diagnosed at 17 and put on injections every 12 weeks but within a year we knew I needed it more so was bumped down to 8 weeks. We soon figured out my dropping off point was at 7 weeks and for the last 4/5 years I’ve been jabbed every six weeks. As a result, I’ve now had nearly two years without dead-leg-pain, caused by nerve damage before my diagnosis. I’m well aware how unique my experience has been but I’ve been very lucky to have a number of people fighting my corner. It’s horrendous how anyone can be denied this very simple and very cheap VITAMIN, which even in excess is simply peed out of the system. It’s unacceptable that a life saving VITAMIN is being refused whilst tomorrow someone will walk in to a doctor’s surgery claiming depression because of their nose or because they have a flat chest and get a nose job or a boob job free on the NHS. Fact is, without treatment for Pernicious Anaemia, we will die. It’s in the title.

    • P M H Donne

      I used to have B12 injections every 3 months but they were stopped some months ago. I now buy B12 tablets which I take twice a day. Not as strong. I’m hoping I can go back to the injections.

    • Rosina

      Thanks you so much for your help no one totally understand what happens to your body.

  18. Karen

    Not long ago my son was diagnosed with a deficiency in B12 after having blood tests. I was shocked when I searched the side effects. He had to have 3 injections for 2 weeks and I’m still waiting for the latest results.

  19. Martin o'brien

    i was told i had pernicious anaemia. after years of wishing i would not wake again. i had loading doses. instant cure for all my pain was gone. ear infection i had for three years gone. joint pain gone. no more sleeping 18 hours and still be sleepy. happy days. then doc says come back in three monthes. week 2 ear infection back,joints hurting.sleepy all time. i looked in to this pernicious shit. found out about it. went back to doctor showed her the british national guidelines on the treatment of pernicous anemia.[ on my phone] she read this for a few mins. then told me the guidelines dont count cos we are in wales. i havent been back since. i now buy my b12 from amazon germany. find out what works for you. dont trust your doctor

  20. Julie macedo

    I had my B12 injection today, desperate for it … I have mine every 10 weeks after telling the doctor how 12 weeks is too long but I really felt I needed it a month ago as I’ve been really suffering. Reading about B12 Awareness this evening has really made me aware of how serious this condition is .As someone said before Pernicious means deadly /fatal and is something people died from years ago.
    Good luck and Thank you Jane .

  21. Katrina

    This would help so many people. I really hope it will happen and bring us into line with France, Germany, Italy, etc

  22. Shirley McMahon

    Good luck with your petition. I, too, have strong anxiety attacks which in turn make my COPD worse.

  23. Anne Hughes

    Good luck. This is a very debilitating illness and the need for these necessary prescriptions should be addressed without further delay.

  24. Barbara Wade

    Fingers crossed. This would be so good. My uncle died from pernicious anaemia, three cousins that I know of have PA. It will be great if the under treatment is changed because my children and grandchildren may also inherit this awful condition. I certainly don’t want them to feel so unwell the way lots of us do today.

  25. Beryl Harrison

    My husband has just recently been diagnosed with b12 deficiency this information has been extremely helpful

  26. Arturo Izod

    My wife has just been put on injections of vitamin B12 after some years of pain. We, in Spain, are able to get the injections on prescription. She is much better now and in not quite so much pain.
    I wish you all the very best in your quest for over the counter B12 Tracey.

  27. Caroline Fleming

    I was diagnosed with PA in my 50’s after going from a well controlled type 1 diabetic to hypo unaware was told would need B12 injection for rest of my life but have not had my injection since lock down and feel dreadful lost both my grandmother’s to PA so am very worried as my GP & Practice Nurse do not seem to known anything about this was given B12 tablets instead not working

  28. Tracey Woods

    I have PA and fibromyalgia and cannot believe that in this day and age of medicine we are having to petition for the rights to feel well. I have written to 3 of my local MPs and of course i have heard nothing back. Im sure if they had this condition it would be a different matter!!

  29. Julie Fryer

    Brilliant news that it’s going to parliament.. I feel I need mine after 8 weeks but I was dressed down by a doctor saying that I didn’t need it until 12 weeks.. I have started taking the tablets at 8 weeks to get me through the 4 weeks until my injection. Hope it gets somewhere in Parliament, fingers crossed

  30. Shani West

    Fantastic news

  31. Simone Taylor

    I have only just become aware of this and can’t thank you enough for raising the profile of our condition that seems to be viewed by many GP’s as imaginary , treated with flippancy and as if we are an inconvenience. It is life changing and debilitating for many of us on a daily basis, and having the freedom to manage our own health will be liberating and take the stress and distress out of constantly feeling as though you have to PROVE that you are ill. Thank you ,and everything crossed for the positive outcome that you have worked so hard for.

  32. Mrs Karen Vernon

    I have managed to get my injections every 8 weeks. However it isn’t enough as about week 6 I start getting terrible nerve pain and my anxiety gets worse. Had to really push to get injection at beginning of lockdown basically breaking down in tears to my nurse.

  33. Miss Afsana W M Mussani

    I wish I was allowed mine b12 injection every once a month I’m always tired and getting pains all over my body I have to have mine every three months

  34. Lindsey dixon

    I ues to get mine every 8 weeks as that when i feel ill again then i moved and new gp gave them every 3 months and i went down hill fast and i had to fight for them sooner and they gave me it every 10 weeks and i told them i really need it sooner as i feel i go down hill at 8 weeks but i got told they cant do that so now i just feel so unwell and feed up with it all and they just dont unstand how we all feel.. so i really hope this happens for us all and thank you Tracey you are a great help x

  35. Demi

    I have just been diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency and am feeling really unwell at the moment on tablets right now got to wait till November for a second blood test and the doctor said I will probably need the injections all the information has helped alit thank you xx

  36. Kate Armstrong

    I am a 72year old woman who was diagnosed with P.A almost 30 years ago. I am a 10 weekly injection patient, this being given at my local health centre. Due to the ‘current situation ‘ my B.12 was cancelled in March and May. I had a telephone consultation with my G.P who said ‘it really doesn’t matter if you miss several injections ‘ I felt very unwell and again spoke with the doctor. I explained that the P.A Society stressed the importance of regular doses. Eventually I was so unwell I had an appointment to see the doctor. I asked if it would be possible to have my injection during the visit as I had my dose with me. Initially they said no but then I received a call telling me to take the phiall with me. I have existing neurological problems and am so concerned that with further restrictions here (Lanarkshire, Scotland) routine appointments will once again cease.
    It seems that P.A is thought of as insignificant unless of course you are a sufferer.

  37. John Steer

    I was put on B12 because my doctor put me on gurd tablets and never bothered to keep a check on my blood, then after about 4 years they said how I was B12 deficient and would need injections for the rest of my life. Not what I call very efficient doctor.

  38. Ruth

    I have my injection every 12 weeks, I sometimes wonder if I had it a bit more regularly I might not feel so tired all the time, tho I find them agony to have. Haven’t had ant problems getting them during lock down thank god, I don’t think I’d wake again if I didn’t get them

    • Carole

      If they are painful it is because the nurse is injecting the serum to quickly, ask next time for her to inject slowly. I know because I have had the same thing happen to me.

  39. Nicola Phillips

    I haven’t had my b12 injections since 3 months before lockdown started and I have had tingling pains in my feet I have told the doctor on numerous occasions and they say they don’t know what that is from i believe it is the nerve endings in my feet but nobody seems to take any notice. I don’t know what to do anymore because all I can get is a telephone consult while they take another guess as to what the problem is.

    • Julie macedo

      Hi Nicola I am sorry you haven’t had your B12 injection for so long. I have recently suffered with pins and needles and tingling in my hands all the time and I think it’s to do with my B12 deficiency possibly… I had my vitamin B12 injection yesterday and I feel better already but I have it every 10 weeks although I need it sooner. Insist that you have your B12 as soon as possible, the nurses are able to do it still under strict conditions and it only takes a few minutes. Good luck

  40. Patricia

    I get mine every 12 weeks and have been getting it in surgery car park

  41. Nadia Dawson

    After having a loading dose of B12 last November I received 3 further doses at 3 months apart even during lockdown. I was then told that my level had come up although it was about 50% of what you expect to see after the injections. I was told I should now swap to an oral multi vitamin supplement. I remain extremely tired, ache all over and have lack of sensation in my hands. I hope the guidelines change soon.

  42. Dawn Hughez

    Just joined, could you tell me the outcome of B12 in parliament please

  43. Chuck Dickey (New Zealand)

    I’ve had PA diagnosed for about 15years now, I’m 62, when I have the injections I feel no different.
    So have been very lax about getting regular injections. That was until I read that the difficulty I have been having with my brain remembering, concentrating, understanding and many more problems weren’t caused by a brain injury due to a 2 storey fall of a roof but rather the lack of B!2 in my system.
    I now have the injection every month hoping to stall the negative effects on my brain.
    Think it might be too late cause I’m not getting any wiser.

  44. Tiffany

    Hiya, Thank you for confirming that the current schedule does not repair damaged nerves. Thanks for all your work in getting this to the decision makers. Im wondering, has there been a decision on this yet?
    All the best


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